Wednesday 9 November 2011

Wednesday 3rd August, 2011

In todays lesson, Rob was away on ski trip, so we had a substitute.

We all knew what we were doing, due to the previous weeks lesson, and went straight to our computers to continue editing. I decided to further develop my International Students Program clip instead of doing the After Effects tutorials. This was mainly because the I.S.P was due much sooner than the tutorials, and also I had already done a fair bit of the tutorials so far and found it'd be more productive to finish that at a later date.

As I was editing, I was very disappointed with the sound quality. I tried to match all of the volume together throughout the entire clip, but there were some pretty fuzzy parts, particularly when Denise spoke.
Cameron tried to help me, but I understood he had his own work to do and was trying to fix the sound for himself, so I tried not to bother him too much. I made a mental note to ask Rob about it next lesson.

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