Thursday 10 November 2011

Wednesday 2nd November, 2011

In todays lesson, we all were finishing off anything we needed to have had done by the end of the year.
This included our Industrial Task (2), any editing we needed finishing, etc.

I had my exams this week, so unfortunately I had to leave early, and during the whole lesson I was stressed trying to both study and complete my work.
Thankfully my friends helped me as much as they could, and Rob was really understand of the situation I was in.

Wednesday 26th October, 2011

Today was Sandringham's year 12 muck-up day, so we tried to avoid any year 12's overall.
But Rob proposed to us at the start of the day the idea of anyone going out and filming some of the shows that the teachers had organised for the students. Straight away, Damian, Cameron and I shot up our hands saying "we'll do it." Even though that was meant to be at recess.

So in the meantime, us three went to go and find Denise because the previous week we had a meeting with her discussing the International Students Program. She had given us her notes on all of the videos (the things she did like, the things she didn't) and said we could redo the interview with her and some international students.
So, since we told her we'd do it today, we went to go find her.
Luckily we found her standing out by the Library, so we went to go and set up. But considering she had to deal with some student issues, we went to go set up ourselves.

We decided that the best room was the meeting room in the two-story building. But once we walked in there, we realised how ugly the room actually is. In order to make the room more attractive, we decided to set the interview chair up in the corner with the windows, and we grabbed one of the paintings and put it behind it. Next, we brought over two redhead lights, and an overhead light, a camera, tripod and microphone.
Finally, we were all ready for Denise.

Once she came in, I asked the questions to her (we had planned these questions the previous week and had Denise check them). She answered really well, while Damian controlled the sound and Cameron controlled the camera.
It seemed once we were over, we felt we had the right amount of footage and information we needed from Denise.
She then ran and got some of the international students, which we interviewed five of them. One of them being Anna-Marie from our own class. We got some great footage from all of the students, and most of them answered really well! Overall, we were really happy with what we had gotten and Denise seemed happy with it too.

As we were going to film the year 12 concert-performance organised by the teachers, we saw a large amount of year 11's screaming and running towards us. This kicked in our first initiative, which was 'run'. So we ran into our corridor and hid looking out the windows. We were mainly worried because we had all of our equipment in our arms.
Once everything had died down a bit, we heard through an announcement on the overhead that all the year 12's had to leave the campus, so this ruined our plans to film the performance due to the fact that it was no longer on.

Instead, us three went down to Sandringham beach to film the scenery and all of the different cafes and stores, etc.
We wanted to get as many shots as we could that captured the Sandringham area in the best way possible, and lucky for us it was a really good day weather-wise, so we got some really good shots of the beach especially.
And even luckier for us, Rob picked us up so we wouldn't have to walk or catch the bus with all of the equipment.

Overall, I had a really good day and I was really proud with how much we had gotten done.

Wednesday 19th October, 2011

Today was the day we were going to film Jess and Oliver's music video.
As we got closer to filming time, we all got up to go set up all of the lights, cameras and microphone. Luckily with it being Cameron, Taylah, Damian, Nick and I setting up, it was only 20 minutes.

Nick and I pulled the black backdrop down, because we thought it would look best with all of the lights on it. Then we set up the chairs and lights. We put two chairs in the centre, these being for Jess and Oliver. Then we had one light coming from behind so that there wouldn't be any harsh shadows, we also had one light coming from the other side at the front to light up both subject's faces, for this light we used a redhead.
The cameras were set up as so:
- Two cameras were set up on each side, to get two different angles of both Jess and Oliver
- One camera set up on a wide mid shot in the centre. This was the HD camera, because we found it would be better to use for the wide shots.

Overall, the filming went fairly well. We did have some difficulty getting the timing right with the track, but we managed to work it all out in the end.

Wednesday 12th October, 2011

Today being our first day back in term 4, I had done my chapter 16 questions and was ready to hand them in.
Turns out, I was probably the only one who had done the questions, but Rob told us that they weren't due till the end of the term, but we had to get them done eventually.
Despite this, I was glad I had got them done. It gave me less stress for later on, so I handed them up right then.

Once we had a talk with the class, we all dispersed to our computers and continued with whatever editing that needed being done, whether it was the tutorials or whatever else.

Nick, Taylah, Damian and I also started discussing what we would need for the music video. We decided that in the photography room we would use 3 cameras, and we were aiming to set the studio up like a recording studio by setting up a microphone.

Wednesday 21st September, 2011

Tonight was the final night for The Wizard of Oz production at Sandringham College.

I got there half an hour earlier because I was helping film it. So once I got there, I met Jack (who I had actually met the week before) who was operating the lights. Also I met the woman who was going to be controlling the live feed....unfortunately I can't remember her name, haha.
But besides that! I was told I was going to be controlling Camera C, which was right near the stage, so that meant I was going to be doing the close-ups.

I was starting to get a bit nervous, but talking through the headphone made me feel much more comfortable, and after the show had been on for about 10 minutes, I felt I knew what I was doing.
The whole night went very quickly, and I actually had a lot of fun! It made me want to do that all the time, and made me realise how much I really do enjoy this course.

Wednesday 21st September, 2011

In todays lesson, Damian, Taylah and I went over to the music room to talk to Jess about her music video.

After discussing it, we all decided that considering it was a slow song, we will make than an overall theme for the music video.
As we spoke, I took notes on what we decided. These are the notes from the day:

  • Filming; perhaps on 12th October (when we're back from holidays) or the week after.
  • Book photography room (studio) where we will film the performance sections of the video.
  • Perhaps some stop motion parts.
  • Some black and white, some coloured.
  • Park shots - like it is old film. 
  • Have "flash back" shots, like it is her own memories from when she was young.
  • Location scouting:
    - Perhaps some beach shots (pictures through the clouds)
    - Brick wall and oval
    - Park
  • Any extra filming can be done the following week.
Considering these were only ideas for the video, it did not mean we would incorporate them all.

Afterwards, Damian, Taylah and I went over to the photography room to book the studio. We found out later that Oliver was unable to film on the 12th, so we booked the room for the next Wednesday after class.

Once we got back to class, it was the end of the lesson, so Rob left us with some homework to do over the holidays, which was to do the Chapter 16 questions from our books.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Wednesday 31st August, 2011

In todays lesson, Nick and Taylah were away recording Jess and Oliver's track onto a disc, so the rest of the class just continued our work on the computer.
This meaning that I continued on my tutorials and Rob started to show us some of the sound-editing programs we could use to fix the sound on the International Students Program clips.

Cameron, Damian and I also looked around the school to see if there were any nice settings that we could use for either the International Students Program, or Jess and Oliver's music video.