Tuesday 8 November 2011

Wednesday 1st June, 2011

In todays lesson, I tried to spend most of my time completing the tasks I hadn't so far. This included finishing any questions (from chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 15, 17). Luckily, I had completed the majority of the questions.
Considering this, I checked what else I needed to complete to be handed up. At this point, I was very thankful that I had finished all of the theory work that we needed to do, but I still had some prac to finish.
So in that case, I went straight to my computer and got to editing my music film clip (Bohemian Rhapsody) considering I had evidently 'wasted' my time the previous week. Thankfully by the end of the lesson I managed to pull together an edit that included a background.

At the end of the lesson Rob asked us to both put all of our prac work onto a disc, and also print out our blog entries. As I was uploading my work to the disc, I decided to put both versions of my music clip onto there just incase.

By the end of the lesson I had handed up my disc with all my work and all of my journal entries. I was fairly happy with the work I had done this lesson as I left.

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