Tuesday 31 May 2011

Wednesday 18th May, 2011

In today's lesson, I was able to complete editing my "School Policy" video, due to me fixing my iPod settings at home.
I chose the song "Ghosts & Sticks and Bricks & Stuff", a mash-up of the band A Day to Remember and Deadmau5, which fit perfectly to what I had organised the week prior.

After I finished this, my group gathered together and started filming our music video for "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. Because all four of us (Daniel, Leif, Brooke and I) had to be in many - to almost all of the shots, Cameron had to help us film with the blue screen.
He turned out to be a very good choice to pick to help us, because he gave us some tips with the blue screen and filming techniques when using it, due to him having experience with those kind of things.

After we were done, Cameron and I previously had planned his music video out, due to the fact we both like the song he chose. Even though we had both shared ideas, Cameron also had many others, so I (along with the rest of his group) helped him film it, and he asked me to be in it alot particularly because I knew the words.

I enjoyed this lesson very much, and actually got a lot done.

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